The Brunts Academy, which joined Greenwood Academies Trust (GAT) in December 2022, has been recognised by Ofsted for rapid improvements made since its previous inspection in November 2022.
Following the conversion from a monitoring visit to a full inspection last month as a result of significant transformational changes, the Brunts Academy was judged Requires Improvement in all areas except for Sixth Form which was Good. This rating comes just 10 months after the Academy was judged as Inadequate, in an inspection which took place before it joined the Trust.
Since joining GAT, leaders at the Academy worked closely alongside the Trust to strengthen its provision and propel its improvement initiatives forward. In the report, inspectors highlighted that “the school has high expectations of what pupils can achieve and how they should behave” and that “the majority of pupils rise to these expectations”. Inspectors also stated that “most pupils welcome the recent changes to improve the school. As a result of these changes, pupils feel safe”, “attend well”, and “take pride in their work”.
Other key findings from the report include:
- “This is a rapidly improving school. Leaders have created the right conditions for learning”
- “The school has designed an ambitious, well-sequenced curriculum for all subjects, including in the sixth form. There are clear curriculum plans in place”
- “Reading is a priority. A lot of work has been done to instil a love of reading, including a well-resourced library and tutor time reading”
- “Pupils’ behaviour in most lessons and around the school site have improved significantly”
- “Trustees know the school very well. They know what needs to improve. The trust provides tailored support for the school. Staff feel well supported and their morale is high”.
With the support of the Trust, leaders and staff at the Academy will continue to drive forward its improvement initiatives that are already under way, focusing on the key priority areas inspectors identified during the inspection:
- “Leaders are aware that some aspects of the curriculum need further development, especially regarding teachers’ consistent use of assessment to identify gaps and misconceptions in pupils’ knowledge”
- “Leaders should ensure that the behaviour policy is implemented consistently so that all staff meet leaders’ expectations of pupils’ conduct”
- “Leaders must ensure that there is an open culture of respect and vigilance, where pupils feel confident to report their concerns knowing that leaders will take swift and effective action”
- “Leaders need to ensure that pupils in all years benefit from a high-quality personal development programme that equips them to be well prepared for life in modern Britain”
- “Leaders need to ensure that they keep parents up to date with information about the effective work they are doing to care for and support pupils”.
Wayne Norrie, Chief Executive of Greenwood Academies Trust, said:
“I am thrilled to see Brunts Academy has been recognised for the monumental improvements made in the past 10 months since joining the GAT family. Leaders at the Academy have worked hard to make a considerable impact on improving the school and I have every confidence they will continue to thrive moving forward.
“It is both reaffirming and re-energising to celebrate the positive improvements made through the dedicated efforts of our staff and pupils. I am proud of the outcome of the report as it signifies Brunts is moving in the right direction and while recognising there is always more to be done, it is pleasing to see the commitment to its mission to provide high quality teaching and learning for all pupils.”